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Showing posts from July, 2017

Performance Action with Life Ring at Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C.

On Friday, July 14, I walked around Jefferson Memorial for three hours carrying a life ring. My original intention for the performance actions in my Provisions for Buoyancy series, is to walk in parts of Washington, D.C. that would be flooded if the sea level were to rise by 5-6 feet, while carrying a provision for buoyancy that I made out of refuse materials . Unfortunately, if the sea level were to rise by that amount, this historic site would be flooded.  You can see, as I did, by consulting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) online Sea Level Rise Viewer. Carrying a life ring around Jefferson Memorial signified more than that alone for me however. Given Jefferson was the primary author of The Declaration of Independence , and given, even today, our freedom is at risk... With this in mind, it felt all the more meaningful to be walking around this historic site carrying a life ring.  Much thanks to Susanna Lee from VisArts for accom...

New Genres Workshop

Performance Action with Life Ring at Jefferson Memorial , Washington, D.C., Katie Kehoe I'm giving a New Genres workshop @VisArts this Saturday, July 22 from 10:30-4:30pm At times, one feels confined in their art practice, or unable to get beyond a certain point in order to create work that is new and interesting to them. It’s at these points, that there is in fact a wonderful potential for expanding our practice. In this workshop, I will challenge you to explore new genres by exploring the potential already present in your work and translating it in a different medium - we will celebrate the mistakes we make and use them as starting points to create new work in another medium you’re interested to explore. Artists working in any medium are invited to participate. Please bring an example of your work that fell short of what you hoped it would be or that you considered to be unsuccessful but still see something in it that interests you. T...